This web based noise reporting system is included with all LiveNoise Noise Monitors and LiveNoise Interface Modules. There are no annual license fees or similar restrictions.
To access the LiveNoise Web Reporter, you just need a standard browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari). Once you have noise monitors and an account, you can visit the LiveNoise Web Interface and log in.
The Web Reporter has been designed to be accessible by desktop, tablet or mobile phone.
The site is very efficient, keeping data transmission to a minimum, so it is quick, responsive and does not waste bandwidth.
Typical noise reports include:
These reports can be export to CSV for viewing and custom reports in Excel or similar spreadsheet programs.
All current version "LNT" LiveNoise Monitors and Interface modules, and existing units of v1.2.0 or above, have the ability to upload their measurements automatically to the web server (sometimes referred to as a Cloud Server). The noise monitors must be connected to your WiFi or wired Ethernet network and be able to access the Internet.
Using the online Web Reporter, you can view daily, weekly and monthly noise reports in your web browser.
To access the reports, you would visit our lnt.livenoise.net web site and log in using the user name provided.
Once logged in, you see a list of all your noise monitoring terminals along with a summary of recent results, including the average sound level and number of alarms.
As no software needs to be installed, this is the easiest way to access your reports, and of course gives access from wherever you happen to be working.
The web based reporting from LiveNoise runs in a standard web browser on a computer, mobile phone or tablet. As long as your browser is reasonably up to date it will function correctly.
The data is supplied from our web site to your computer in an efficient manner, so the bandwidth requirements are very low. It will work even on a poor quality Internet connection.
If you have any concerns about accessing the reporting system then please contact NoiseMeters and we will provide you with a temporary login to view some sample reports.
The web browser doesn't need to be anything specific: no plugins and works with Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Internet Explorer and most others.
The LiveNoise Terminals do need to have access to the Internet to upload the noise measurements to our server. Information about the sockets used is included in the user manual. All communication is made from the noise monitor to the server, so there is no need to route any incoming traffic.